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AI is not a novelty anymore. In fact, it’s been part of the eCommerce landscape for years.

But, many businesses are just now beginning to tap into its full potential. As Sandy Carter from Unstoppable Domains pointed out, early adopters may have paved the way, but AI still has room to become a key driver of strategic growth in digital merchandising.

AI is no longer just a tool for automation — it’s a true asset that helps teams make better decisions, saving time and streamlining processes.

During Smart Merchandiser’s latest webinar, Sandy Carter joined Teresa Zobrist to explore how AI is reshaping eCommerce. They discussed how AI-led digital merchandising enables teams to eliminate tech barriers, improve personalization, and create new opportunities by adapting to the changing needs of global customers. 

Watch the full webinar to learn more about how eCommerce businesses can leverage AI to establish a competitive edge.

AI Helps Companies “Punch Above Their Weight”

AI’s potential for leveling the playing field was one of the standout points. “AI helps smaller and medium-sized companies punch above their weight and level up”, Sandy explained at the beginning of our webinar.

This can be crucial in the eCommerce space, where speed and agility are essential. AI gives even smaller teams the ability to analyze data, make rapid adjustments to product placement, and create personalized shopping experiences — even with limited resources.

AI also takes over the time-consuming and repetitive tasks so that digital merchandisers can focus more on strategic, higher-impact work.

Why Only 20% of AI Projects Succeed: The Importance of Data Strategy

Sandy shared an interesting insight about the challenges businesses face in adopting AI.

“Only 20% of companies that adopt AI have a successful project, deemed successful by them”, she said.

The main reason? A lack of clear and accurate data strategy. “Data is the oil for AI” – she continued to explain before adding that companies still need the right type and quantity of data.

Sandy shared a common mistake some companies make — making big assumptions without a strong data foundation. Teresa agreed and highlighted the importance of having access to fresh, if not real-time data. “This gives merchandisers a clearer view of what’s driving revenue and where they can improve”.

AI as a Business Transformation, Not Just a Tool

Both Sandy and Teresa emphasized that businesses must view AI as a broader business transformation rather than just a tool. Companies that have succeeded with AI treated it as a way to solve business problems, not just implement a shiny new tech novelty to their arsenals.

“AI doesn’t just help you work faster — it helps you work smarter”, Sandy added, highlighting the importance of aligning AI with strategic goals.

AI requires a shift in mindset and proper change management. It’s not about having the right tool, it’s about empowering digital merchandisers to “use it effectively and understand the broader business impact”.

Starting Small and Driving Success Over Time

One of the key takeaways from the webinar was to start small with AI. Sandy emphasized that companies often make the mistake of trying to implement large-scale AI solutions from the start.

“Start small so that you and your team learn about it before you progress to something big”, Sandy advised.

She shared an example of a company that faced backlash after launching an AI-powered chatbot before it was fully trained, leading to problems with the core target audience. Sandy suggested that companies start with internal projects, like inventory tracking, before expanding AI’s role.

Teresa echoed the advice, adding that many of Smart Merchandiser’s clients start by using AI for smaller tasks like product sequencing or A/B testing product placement. “Once they see success there, they move on to larger projects”.

The Future of eCommerce with AI: Hyper-Personalization and Seamless Integration

Both Sandy and Teresa predicted that AI will drive hyper-personalization in eCommerce.

“AI enables an unprecedented level of personalization”, Sandy explained. “It can anticipate what I want before I even think I want it”.

This shift will allow retailers to offer highly customized shopping experiences based on browsing histories, purchase patterns, and even biometric data. Sandy shared that AI could dynamically adjust pricing based on customer behavior. “Instead of giving me a 10% discount, AI will offer me something personalized, like a product I always buy”.

Teresa added that AI is also creating seamless integration between digital and physical stores, helping unify the customer experiences both online and in-store.

AI Is Not Just for Big Players in eCommerce

The key message from our webinar was quite clear. AI is not built or reserved just for the big eCommerce companies. It’s a tool that businesses of all shapes and sizes can leverage to gain a competitive advantage.

By focusing on data strategy, starting with incremental projects, and treating AI as a part of a larger business transformation, companies can unlock AI’s true potential.

Sandy and Teresa agreed that companies still relying on outdated methods are at risk of falling behind. As Sandy pointed out, the speed at which businesses can act on data is going to be the differentiator in how competitive eCommerce strategies truly are.

If you missed the full conversation, you can watch the recording here.

Be sure to check out the latest visual merchandising tips and trends, digital strategies, and success stories.

And if you’re ready to see more of Smart Merchandiser’s capabilities — like AI-driven eCommerce — reach out to request a demo today.